{Posted from} Home

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Serenity...

On our walk today we came across so many nests.
I love to look at them, up close, where you can really appreciate all the fine detail.
It rained a little early in the morning which made the woods smell amazing
under the crunch of the fallen leaves.
Only a few leaves remained on the trees we passed.
Dry and crisp
they were still beautiful ♥
Nests built by the waters edge...
and high up in treetops...
and gorgeous
fallen tree limbs ...
I came home with pockets filled with nature's gifts that I will use to create Christmas gifts...
heart shaped stones {my grandson started me on this collection ... now I find them on nearly every walk}
birch bark {to wrap around candles}
miniature pine cones {to create Christmas picture frames}
twigs {for picture frames & twig stars}
as if
you are kissing the Earth
your feet
~Thich Nhat Hanh~


Julie Marie said...

Oooh I just love your beautiful Nature walks Deb... and so adorable that your little grandson appreciates Nature as well... I too gather little heart shaped rocks as I find them... one of my favorite quotes I put on my blog is "follow your heart, it knows the way"... wouldn't it be wonderful to find a whole little trail of heart shaped rocks to follow!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos . Nothing like a walk in nature ! Have a good evening !

Jeanne said...

Beautiful my lovely friend as is all you share..........Love Jeanne

Things That Inspire said...

What a beautiful post. I am going to send it to my 13 year old, who finds so much beauty in the beauty of nature!

Hope you have a lovely week.

- Holly

Meredith said...

What a beautiful walk, glad you found so much to celebrate.