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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Monday, May 2, 2022

Sharing an apple a day . . .

This was one of those times when I was grateful that my camera was nearby !

I need not look very far for happiness * entertainment * pure joy than my own garden. 

This was a  "when your eyes are bigger than your tummy" moment ;-D 
The "regulars" . . . our Cardinal couple are so sweet 
and Callie, our beautiful  garden bunny . . . 
sweet Milly 
each and every feathered and furred friend is welcome in our "Sparrow Garden" . . . 
I love to sit in our sun porch, cup of tea in my hand, and just watch . . . 

happy & full 
"If you really want to make a friend,
go to someone's house and eat with them.
The people who give you their food
give you their heart"
-Cesar Chavez- 

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