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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Cover Artist

 ~After the frost~ 

As soon as the risk of frost is over, I love to sprinkle saved seeds from the year before randomly all through our garden beds. While I will keep some seeds to themselves, I prefer to mix them all together.  I especially love the surprise of not knowing what plants will pop up where. 

Morning glories are especially wonderful for this and we have found them in the most unexpected, wonderful nooks and crannies in the garden! Like I mentioned in my last post, this is the time of year when our garden takes on a bit of a "wild" look and this is one of the reasons why ;-) 

After the frost is a painting filled with thoughts of   walking through the garden, clippers and basket in hand, snipping random flowers and buds. 

I am absolutely thrilled & honored to have After the Frost as the Cover Art for the June/July 2021
issue of The Country Register of Ontario.
Thank you so much to publisher Harriet Ramos .


Jeanne said...

Congratulations and you always have such great ideas...............Hugs

Deb said...

thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words and taking the time to leave a comment :-) Happy August x