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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Friday, May 14, 2021

Returning ...

The Doves nest in our garden every year.

We often wonder what spot they will choose ... no matter where it is, I always worry about them.... when it's hot, windy, rainy... I check on them throughout the day to make sure all is well.

This year it will be a little easier to keep tabs on them as they have chosen to nest in the arbor above our garden gate which is directly below my second storey studio space!
After hearing coos for most of the morning, into the afternoon yesterday, I suspected that nesting was going to take place there. They sat for a while, left, then returned... some preening went on ... they left again and the next time they returned, got busy with building! 
When both had left the nest to eat and have a drink in the back garden, I removed the screen from one of the windows to get a better look.

My Nikon is sitting on the desk all ready as I am hoping to document all the excitement! 

In the past, I always said a Dove's nest is built on three twigs and a prayer, but I take that back having watched Papa Dove fly back and forth consistently. It's day 2 and he has been very busy usually bringing back one twig at a time, tucking it underneath Mama Dove who then rearranges it :-)
I'm in absolute love and awe and may get nothing done, for as soon as the cooing starts I am up and at the window!
"I say Love, and the world populates itself with doves"

~Pablo Neruda~

My friend Jane told me that legend says,  Doves nest beside a home that holds great love inside and that made me so happy! 

"A song fluttered down in the form of a dove,

and it bore me a message,

the one word ~ love"

~Paul Laurence Dunbar~ 
"The dove, on silver pinions, winged her peaceful way"

~James Montgomery~

 "And there my little doves did sit

with feathers softly brown.

And glittering eyes

that showed their right

to general Nature's deep delight"

~Elizabeth Barrett Browning~ 


Jeanne said...

How beautiful and lovely. I love doves as I do all birds and nature.
I love your postings. Hugs

Deb said...

thank you so much ~ I look forward to watching all the events in the days to come!