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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Quiet January mornings ...

I've been easing into January.

Sketching, painting, journaling, feeding the birds, reading, playing my ukulele, baking, cooking lovely pots of soup and vegetable filled stews, listening to music and taking long meditative walks.

The weather has been cold and it's not unusual for a flake or two to fall as I walk.
Once home from walking, I put on a pot of coffee, light some candles and jot down my "walking thoughts". For the past few days, there has been a gorgeous Cooper's Hawk sitting in a tree. I hadn't spotted him, but his song had me searching the trees for him. I've seen many hawks - even in my own backyard, but had never heard one's mating song. Simply amazing! 
January always seems to represent new growth and new beginnings and I have a few jam jars with cuttings in them. I love to see the roots swimming in the water. 
The beginning of a new plant! Exciting.
January has been a month of crows! No matter where I walk, there is crow chatter to be heard.

One of the most magical moments for me however was spotting two crows sitting in a tree. I watched as they chatted and then, put their foreheads together and sat that way for a few moments until one flew away. It was a moment I will never forget. I knew they would become a painting.

~Just between Us~
All the subtle gestures
that speak louder than words
between like-minded creatures
like us two birds
~deb dunn~
"Your imagination

is your preview

of life's

coming attractions"

~Albert Einstein~



Lisa at Greenbow said...

Crows are fascinating birds. There has been a pair that has nested in our neighborhood for at least the past 3 years. It is fun to watch them check out all the trees in the neighborhood to see which will hold their nest for the year. They are so vocal. I like the sketch of your memory of the smooging crows.

Deb said...

hi Lisa ~ Happy New Year!
I'm happy you love crows too and agree, they are fascinating. How lovely that your crow couple nests where you can watch them.