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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Baltimore Oriole in the garden ...

not the best photos but such a thrill to find a Baltimore Oriole in the garden that I wanted to share!
As soon as I spotted the vibrant splash of orange I grabbed my camera
He was having a lovely splash about in the bird bath
My clothesline is in the same spot so I had to maneuver
myself with dining room curtains over my shoulder and aim the camera :-D
this shot was just lucky! I didn't even know I got a photo mid flight until I uploaded them.
If you're lucky enough
 to be different
 from everyone else,
don't change! 


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What fun to have an Oriole down where you can get great shots. Happy Day.

Deb said...

hi Lisa ~ thank you! I was afraid I wouldn't get any photos at all as he was bathing in a corner of our garden that was tricky to get a shot of. Honestly though, even if I couldn't get a photo, just having him in the garden was an absolute thrill!