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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Thursday, May 23, 2024

In our May Garden . . .

Lots of daily changes happening in our little garden. I take my morning tea outside and walk around spotting buds and new growth. The lilac is starting to wind down now, but it was filled with gorgeous, thick lush clusters this year and that unmistakable scent which permeates everything ~ seeping into our sunroom and kitchen windows.  

Pops of colour are all around us 

The honeysuckle has gorgeous, big shiny leaves and has completely
covered the pergola 
At the end of this post you will see who else is finding joy in this spot!

I switched lenses on my Nikon  to the Macro... 

love seeing all the gorgeous bokeh effect it produces! 

We've had two nests of bunnies ... surprised there are any flowers remaining in the garden as they have loved them all ;-) 
And like they have every year since we moved into this house, the doves have nested.
We watch them in the garden prior to nesting , underneath the bird feeders, cooing, and wonder where they will decide to "build" their home .... 
This year it's in the honeysuckle vine above the pergola. We have a fabulous view as we can look down onto it from our upstairs bedroom. Before I took this photo, a very large crow landed on the pergola scaring the male dove away for a few minutes. Both doves began circling the nest and thankfully returned! So far so good. We now have a dove nest in the front and back garden :-) 

 "But headlong joy is ever on the wing"
-John Milton-

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