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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Happy New Year . . .

"This bright New Year is given me
to live each day with zest.
To daily grow and try to be
my highest and my best!
Once more to right some wrong,
to pray for peace
to plant a tree
and sing more joyful songs"
-William Arthur Ward-

We had a lovely Christmas (hope you did as well) & have just put away the last of the holiday decorations. I seem to linger a little bit longer over each item as it's tucked safely away, more and more each passing year. 
The twinkle lights that surround the four large windows in our kitchen remain up all year . . . for we do love our twinkle lights! 

Not so much into making New Year's Resolutions, but I have for many years chosen a 'guiding word'. A whispered commitment to myself. The word 'intention' appeared over and over throughout the past few months. It felt like the word for me :-)

"A simple practice of intentionality.
 When I do it, my life is different. 
More purposeful, more consciously lived,
 more content with any action" 
- Leo Babauta-

"Creating an intentional life. 
Discover your why,
 create achievable goals,
 and cultivate the life 
of your dreams" 
- Rebekah Joan- 

I have my lovely new 2023-day planner and an assortment of journals ~ one to keep notes of my morning spiritual practice - meditation * gratitude* prayer* setting an intention*, one to art journal in, one to keep track of the books I read in 2023. . .  eleven days into the New Year and I've already finished 3 books! Another is to document my morning walks, jotting down all the things spotted as I walk.  January 1 st : Gifts this morning on my walk included a formation of geese flying and honking over us * a hedge of chirping sparrows* (I stopped walking for a while upon coming across these little treasures because ... well .... sparrows!) * adorable Doggies wearing their new Christmas sweaters * little free library book finds * 

"As you start to walk on the way,
 the way appears"
 - Rumi-

This September marks 17 years of blogging for me! I can hardly believe it. I'm still surprised to look at my stats and the number of readers this little spot shows. Thank you!

It all began quite innocently as a way for my BFF of 63 years who lives in England and I to keep in touch between letters :-) These days, my social media presence is mostly on my Instagram account where I post almost daily. It's there that I write about what's happening in my little corner of the world, what I'm painting/creating and shows coming up etc. Link is in the sidebar - I'd love for you to follow me there xo

Happy New Year Blessings!


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