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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

August journal...

It's funny how you can come across something you'd put on a shelf and it stirs an interest in you once again.  This happened to me last week when looking for one thing had me finding another :-)

Two years ago, at the on set of Covid, before any of us knew what was really going on, I started an art journal. I would take my journal, watercolour paints, and a jam jar of water and sit by the pond in our garden and paint/write all my thoughts and happenings. Because "everything" was happening around my home and garden, I filled the pages with bird watching, garden changes, cooking (so many banana breads),  day to day menus & inspirational quotes. 

In one corner I wrote the date, weather, temperature, moon phase, sunrise & sunset. 

And then . . . bit by bit, things started to open up and we slowly and cautiously went out and began doing "things" again and the journal went on a bookcase.

Looking & reading through the pages made me realize how lovely keeping a journal is. Each and every page mentions Archer, because, well, he was part of my everyday (me)! 

 I've loved looking through the pages and remembering . . . the return of the blackbirds , the lily of the valley spreading and filling up the garden beds . . . baby bunnies in the garden . . . the cardinal couple we named Frank and Peggy - Peggy had injured her wing/leg and it had set crooked and how her mate watched out for her (we did too) the movies we watched on T.V. and the music we listened to (dancing in the kitchen) while supper cooked.

" April 16 2020 4 degrees C ... Up before the birds and out the door by 6 am with Archer to get a walk and some fresh air" . I painted a picture with the words mask * scarf * gloves* hat * coat * sunglasses * checked off. . .  lets go for a walk! and added one of Mary Oliver's quotes.

"I saw that worrying had come to nothing.

And I gave it up.

And took my old body out in the morning

and sang"

-Mary Oliver-

"April 27 2020 14 degrees C . . . I wrote " Woke up at 5:30 am and even though it was raining, it was brighter...  It's the little things. Walks in the morning with Archer, noticing all the subtle changes seen daily, being present and aware of the beauty a new day brings. Gratitude . . .  In the garden today . . .  sparrows * doves * cardinals * red winged blackbirds * lots of squirrels * robins * crackle" 

"Everything that slows us down and forces patience,

everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature,

is a help.

Gardening is an instrument of grace"

-May Sarton-

I have about a dozen blank pages left in that journal and decided to just have fun with those pages picking up where I left off. In my nest, filling my days with memories and thoughts and what I've been up to.  This time, I'm able to attach ticket stubs and programs once again :-) 

Summer reading lists have been filling up 2 pages so far & I've read some fantastic books.
"If you have a garden
and a library
you have
My garden has been a wonderful source of inspiration for some eco-printing.  So much fun and so much to learn! I picked up a pot and steamer basket at our local thrift shop.
Each plant/leaf/flower/ leaves a unique shape and pigment marking. These markings are unique and you could never duplicate them even if you tried.  Every flower and leaf, placed by hand on fabric and/or handmade booklets and steamed. 
I've been writing about this fun Flower Magic ... 
And over this past weekend, I picked up a brand new journal because when the pages are filled in my old one, I want to keep going! 
"August rain: the best of the summer gone,
 and the new fall not yet born.
The odd uneven time"
-Sylvia Plath-
 slow down,
 be kind.
and don't forget 
to have art in your life.
Music, paintings, theatre,
 dance and sunsets"
-Eric Carle- 
Happy August!
Thanks for stopping by.
d xo 

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