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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Hello 2022 ...

 Happy New Year

I love the month of January for so many reasons . . .  a month of celebrations . . . a new year *  birthdays *an anniversary * winter :-)

"Here everything is so wholly what I consider beautiful.

In other words, there is peace here"

-Vincent Van Gogh-


"Maybe in any art

you have to be wholly you

in the context of whatever you're doing"

-Mariel Hemingway-

"Thought that can merge wholly into feeling,

feeling that can merge wholly into thought,

these are the artist's highest joy"

-Thomas Mann- 

While finding/reading these quotes a few weeks ago, my 'guiding word' came to me.  As it has in past years, it began appearing over and over in unexpected places. 

"There's that word again" I would think . . . often smiling as I saw it, for I am never completely sure if it's "the word" until it appears over and over :-) Another word came across my path that I had never heard before but loved the meaning of - susurration which means the whispering or rustling of. But it only appeared once.

Wholly - adverb

entirely; fully

utterly unconditionally

I'll carve out a little time this afternoon and sit with a hot cup of tea and art supplies and  begin to journal a page to honor my guiding word. It's snowing outside as I type and there is a lovely soft layer of freshly fallen snow that looks so pretty. I love when I can see all the little markings left behind from garden visitors in the snow. Tiny  little foot prints from our garden bunny show me where he has walked and is staying safe (behind our potting table which is where we suspected). We make sure that he, like the birds, have food available and the garden is filled at the moment with cardinals, chickadees, woodpeckers, a carolina wren and sparrows, a sure sign that more snow is on the way.

 And one more quote to share that I will add to my journal page . . . 

"Nothing is wholly obvious

without becoming enigmatic.

Reality itself

is too obvious to be true"

-Jean Baudrillard-

Thank you for stopping by. 

Have a wonderful day!

d xo 


Sandi said...

"In other words, there is peace here"

Took my breath away!

Deb said...

Happy New Year Sandi ~ I am so happy the Van Gogh quote spoke to you xo