{Posted from} Home

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Monday, January 13, 2020

Praise the day ...

Praise the day
The ancient ways
On sacred land is where I stand
Air* water*soil*sky
Am I

I live in a beautiful spot where I can be by water and woods and I gather so much inspiration and serenity from both.
So grateful for the blessings that come from the trees, stones, soil and water.  I am in my element with the elements.
There is so much beauty and magic to be found listening to the inner wisdom and teachings of the Earth.

I have so many ideas for new paintings in 2020.
Because I paint intuitively and directly on paper or canvas (no sketches ahead of time) I'm always interested to see where the painting takes me … 
Painting gives me a venue to express my deep love and gratitude to the Earth.
It is more than a creative outlet … each painting gives me the gift of peace, serenity, mindfulness. 
In gratitude, I paint
xo d 


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I always enjoy seeing your work. I like your style.

Deb said...

hi Lisa ~ thank you so much! I really appreciate your feed back and kind words.