{Posted from} Home

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Monday, July 28, 2014

what you'll discover ...

 along the walking path
 I stopped to take in the beauty
 and spotted a friend
 You have to leave the city
of your comfort
and go into the wilderness
of your intuition.
What you'll discover
will be wonderful.
What you'll discover
~Alan Alda~
 As is what usually happens, once we return back home
 I am rejuvenated & filled with ideas and inspiration from our walk ...
I decided to paint some little wooden tags ♥
 When I admire the wonders of a sunset
or the beauty of the moon,
my soul expands
in the worship
of the Creator
The Sun
are there
to guide us
~Dennis Banks~


La Table De Nana said...

Beautiful...nature..and your gorgeous tags!

Deb said...

hello Monique ~ thank you ♥ our favourite little walking spot to take our lab archer for a good long walk.

The Reed Warbler said...

Hi Deb,
Haven't been around much lately in "blogland" and have a lot of catching up to do. What a great start this morning reading your blog. Love how you've captured all the beauty from your walk by the little wooden tags,love the colours!
Have a good Tuesday, Anita xx

Deb said...

hello Anita ~ welcome back from your holiday ♥ so happy you have stopped by & thank you for your kind comment xo

Meredith said...

Deb your painted tags are just gorgeous.

Deb said...

thank you Meredith ♥

Lynda said...

Your tags are gorgeous, Deb!

Happy day to you! xo

Deb said...

happy day Lynda xo
thank you ♥

Julie Marie said...

I love your walks!... so many beautiful things to see... and your painted tags are sooo pretty!... love them all, but especially bunny... xoxo Julie Marie

Deb said...

hello Julie marie ~ oh yes always such beauty just waiting for us to find it on our walks ♥ little bunny in our garden is always an inspiration xo