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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

JanuMerry . . .

I love the month of January for so many reasons ....
the beginning of a brand New Year, opening a new journal, hanging up the New Years calendar,
snowy days, bundled up walks, crackling fires in our family room, homemade soups simmering on the stove, cozy nights at home ... my list of Winter love goes on and on.
And then, add in an Anniversary xo, and birthdays ~ one being my own!
The night before my birthday, I looked through my flower press and chose some blooms.
I laid twine across each section of a muffin tin, placed a few petals on the twine and topped with water.
They sat out overnight under the Full Wolf Moon.
In the morning, when I brought them into the house and placed them on the kitchen
counter, it didn't take long for them to begin to lift to the top!

It was time to take them back outside where I strung them on the branches of our purple
cherry tree.
It made for the perfect birthday banner.
The cold temperatures were ideal for keeping the banner frozen for days to enjoy!
"All we ever need is right where we are,
if we can open the ordinary treasure
that is always before us"
~Mark Nepo~ 


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