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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March Madness . . .

Only one week into March but it has been a busy one with lots happening
and this is a long catch-up post! 
Here goes :-) 

My self-care studio practice tip made it into the pages of this beautiful magazine . . . 
You can find me on page 130 
75 ways to practice creative self-care 
. . .  my tip is #9 :-) 
in her studio

The unpredictable weather (snowstorms, sleet, rain, heavy winds) sent our French pussy willow into a full 2nd blooming. Our potting shed is already filled with cut branches as it bloomed early, but the amount of snow we have in the garden makes it impossible for my husband to climb the extension ladder to cut these newly bloomed branches down. 
They certainly do look beautiful though.

A Cooper's Hawk had been circling around the neighbourhood which kept the little birdies away from the feeders. We were all ready to do the GBBC at the end of last month but that didn't happen.  Just starting to see them return now. Our turtle dove couple is back which is always a sign that Spring is just around the corner. 

On the days when the sun was shining, we spotted the squirrels taking full advantage of the warmth by laying out on the fence posts. I love to watch their faces which show pure joy as their fur glistens in the sunlight.
Always teachers of making every moment count . . .  it really is the little things.
They take nothing for granted.

I've been participating in a few projects over on Instagram starting with the # 100 day project.
A global art project where you choose a project to do every day for 100 days.
I'm creating affirmation/positive thought cards. I already had a new package of index cards in my art cupboard (100 in the package) and at 5" x 3" they are the ideal size for creating mixed media art.
I tend to go a bit more abstract when making these which is fun too as it's something different. 
Of course, birds and nests have already found their way on a few cards . . . 
a great way to use up little scraps of paper and paint.

Here's today's card


*bloom at your own pace*

And on the back of each
I've added the number ~ 14/100
and a little positive thought xo
*I created a hashtag on Instagram where you can view all the cards in one spot*
it's # olde soul sparrow 
It's that time of year again . . . 
The Dundas Valley School of Art Auction.
I delivered 4 pieces of art for the auction this year which is the 52nd Annual Art Auction
The Auction runs April 10-16
online biding begins April 10 and the work can be viewed in person at the Dundas Valley School of Art.
And while I've been doing all this painting, my poor ukelele has been sitting, unplayed for weeks.
100 days of Uke 2023  with Cynthia Lin was the gentle nudge I needed!
Watching Cynthia Lin's online videos was how I taught myself how to play Ukelele. 

"I can bring myself flowers" is the practice plan for today. 
I can't begin to say how much joy this little Uke brings me!
Finally got around to an idea I've had for ages.
In fact, I'd forgotten about it, then found it by accident looking through an old journal where I jotted down "ideas".
A Woodland Blessings cross
Filled with lots of woodland animals
a moon
grass and mossy fields
of course, a little nest had to find its way
and some pussy willows
(my life in paint)
I wrote my own little Woodland blessings prayer on the back.
Signed, dated, varnished, with a little hook for easy hanging.

lovely for a 
meditation/ focus spot 

Art and Found Day is quickly approaching.
I've already decided on the spots I'll be dropping off free art on 
Sunday March 12 in Burlington 
and I will leave a few pieces with my daughter Kate who will 
hide them in Toronto as she walks with her dog Harry (our grandpup) 
I love this artist "give back to the community" idea started by artist Courtney Senior.
Watch my Instagram page as I leave some hints as to where you can find my free original art! 

*think dog and book lovers* 
"For I will Protect you"

The 36th Art Exhibit has started at 
McMaster University
Innovation Park 
Art in the Workplace.
I am so pleased to have had my 2 submissions accepted into this wonderful, juried show.

"A Springtime Start"

Exhibit on from
March 3 2023 - June 29 2023 

I was really hoping to participate in a few other projects over on Instagram: March meet the maker as well as a photography project that sounded lovely. I'm a week late for the first and a day late for the latter, so may be able to jump in :-) 

I hope this first week of March has been filled with lots of joyful moments,
thanks for stopping by!
d xo 


Debbie Nolan said...

Congratulations on being published "In Her Studio". I so enjoy this magazine when I can find it at the bookstore. Will certainly take a look to find you there. Your paintings and cards are wonderful. Hope you get time to enjoy your ukulele. Have a blessed day.

Deb said...

Hello Debbie,
Thanks so much for your visit and kind comment. Spotting my name in the magazine was as much of a surprise to me! My daughter bought the magazine for me while we were out shopping knowing how much I love it, and as I was reading through it that night I came to the page and thought "wow, that sounds just like me" and it was :-D
Thank you very much for your kind words. Have missed my little uke. Definitely a treasure!
Wishing you a blessed day as well. xo