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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The long weekend ...

This is Durante
the little chipmunk that calls our garden
One of his favourite spots to sit is on the clay pot of Pansies
which is on one of our kitchen window ledges
making it easy to get some cute, quick, photos of him.
I think he must be use to seeing me with a camera by now
and is totally unfazed ... he just continues enjoying his snack.
We enjoyed a lovely long weekend here in Canada
and even though we saw our share of rain
we also saw our fair share of sunshine and warm winds.

I've been working on this hexagon blanket for a while now.
Each hexagon takes approx. 1/2 hour to make, and uses up very little wool.
Since I save just about everything ... this is perfect.

Even the tiniest bits of wool were tuned into something. When I looked at the little heap of wool clips I had beside me, like a little Sparrow, I started to twist and weave them together until I had formed a nest ♥

which grew large enough to hold 3 speckled eggs
just waiting for a little bird


Country Gal said...

Looks like you had a wonderful long weekend to ! Nice photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

Julie Marie said...

Oooh Deb!... I am in LOVE with Durante!... what a darling little chipmunk!... and how fun he sits there and lets you photo him... he knows you would do him no harm and he loves you too!... your new blanket is so pretty, and that little nest, oh my gosh, I want to make one!... that is so sweet... love your fields of dandelions on your walk, and your birds are stunning... our Barn Swallows are back now too and I love them so much!... well, actually there is not a bird I don't love!... fish and chips sounds so good for dinner!... your days and evenings are much like Jack's and mine... filled with home and family... gardens, Nature and God's creatures... much love, xoxo Julie Marie PS Your magazine is on it's way!...

Jenni said...

Sounds like you had a perfect long weekend, I love trips to the garden nursery. That chipmunk is cute and you captured a perfect photo of him.And your little nest with leftover scraps, so cute:) P.S I love your blog header, it seems new, but I could be wrong, I really like it though, it looks like it captures all of your hobbies :)

Lynda said...

Chippies are so adorable! :) Your little nest is really cute, Deb! Have a lovely week! xo

Unknown said...

Oh my! The nest is just darling! xoxo Jen

Deb said...

hello Elaine ~ thank you ♥ hope your week is wonderful too.

Deb said...

hi Julie marie ~ I knew you would love durante ♥ he is adorable! he is usually amongst the sparrows gathering up the seed the squirrels have tipped out of the feeders :-) on our weekend walks we see the swallows ~ I love their shape as they fly. yes, you and jack are just like us ♥ can't wait for my magazine xoxo thank you so much.

Deb said...

thank you jenni for all your kind words. I've used the blog header photo before (I like to change it with the seasons)♥

Deb said...

hi Lynda ~ I just love the chippies ♥ have a wonderful week xo

Deb said...

hi jen ~ thank you. I think by the time I've finished the hexagon blanket, there will be a few more made :-)

kristieinbc said...

What a nice long weekend! I just read that the Victoria Day weekend is the garden store's equivalent of Christmas. Great pictures of the chipmunk. I wish the wildlife around here was as cooperative. :-)

Jeanne said...

Beautiful as always. I love little chipmunks and everyhing you create with so much love is so beautiful indeed.

Love Jeanne

Meredith said...

Deb, you are so creative, even your little yarn scraps become a workof art.

Deb said...

hi Kristie ~ I believe it & always feel that way even in my own garden when the gardening furniture comes out of storage & all my garden chachkies get unpacked and set up ...it is a bit like Christmas.

Deb said...

thank you Jeanne ♥

Deb said...

hi Meredith ~ thank you! some of the wool scraps were turned into "bohemian nesting balls" like you create, minus the doggie hair ... archers, unlike max is just too bristly ♥

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Love Durante, he's so adorable. What a joy God's little creatures are :).

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Durante is adorable....love him :)

Deb said...

hi carrie ~ thank you for your visit ♥ Durante is a joy and so much fun to watch in the garden.