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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Sunday, July 14, 2013

How did it get so late so soon? ...

I was so surprised to see it had been so long since I posted last ...
Summertime ...made me think of the Dr. Seuss quote " How did it get so late so soon?"
There is a lot of nesting going on in our garden .
Robin has chosen a nice spot amongst the honeysuckle  to build her nest.
Usually, it is atop our pergola, but this year it is on top of the fence.
We have a wonderful view when sitting on the deck so will be checking in often ♥
Where the doves usually nest, Black squirrel chose instead . I wonder where the Doves made their nest? ... they are both in our garden everyday.
A first for us though to have a squirrels nest :-)
And as always, Sparrow babies are chirping happily in their little nest made atop the downspout.
Our weekend walks have been filled with Dragonflies ...
they have been EVERYWHERE.
Dragon fly days ...
looking so elegant ...
and wildflowers ...
big patches of wildflowers that look better than anything manmade ...
and everywhere we looked we saw dragonflies and butterflies and bees
and I wish I had a audio recording I could play with these photos so you could hear
how happy the birds were here ...
and the last little bits of wish makers waiting to be set free ...
How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before it's June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late
so soon?
~Dr, Seuss~


Julie Marie said...

Your photos are just stunning Deb!... and I love your words to go along with them... how I would love to have a squirrel make it's nest in our yard!... baby squirrels are the cutest little things we see on our Nature walks!... thanks for sharing... hello Archer!... xoxo Julie Marie and Tessy (Tessy got stung again today on her paw... poor baby...)

Meredith said...

Time is flying by so fast. We have several squirrel nests in our trees, the squirrels drive my poor Max crazy.
Hugs to you,

Blondie's Journal said...

I would love to see a squirrel nest!! We have so many here as we are surrounded by trees on all sides of our house...I never see them until they are half grown. What are they made of? The robin eggs are beautiful! You have a "birds eye view" of them from your deck! :)


Deb said...

Hi Julie Marie - I agree that baby squirrels are the cutest :-)Kisses to Poor Tessy xo

Deb said...

Hi Meredith - Archer agrees with Max about the squirrels :-)

Deb said...

Hi Jane - the nest is a real mumble jumble :-) looks like everything is in there - twigs and lots of leaves ... maybe even some of Archer's brushed hair :-)I got a real shock the first time I realized it was there when a black squirrel jumped out and ran up the side of the house! Robin is nesting on the opposite side of the house so hard to get into the garden (ha ha)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I do enjoy when the few wildflowers we have are able to bloom and grow. Now it is just too hot for much of anything. Everything looks lovely where you are. Time for me is just passing by way too quickly these days. Have a wonderful week. Tammy

Jeanne said...

I love your photographs and quotes.
How wonderful indeed.

Love Jeanne

Deb said...

Hi Tammy,
Hot & humid weather here too.
Wishing you a wonderful week as well ♥

Deb said...

Thank you Jeanne ♥

Alisa Noble said...

Oh, the blue of those eggs...

Gorgeous captures!

Deb said...

Hi Alisa
Thank you - nature produces the most stunning of colours! The one egg in particular reminded me of batik :-) maybe Mama Robin is an Artist too ♥ I feel so sorry for her today as it is HOT & HUMID. Hopefully the honeysuckle is giving her some shade.

Lynda said...

Your dragonfly photos are amazing, Deb! We've had a lot this year too. Must be all the mosquitoes. :) So far this year, we've had two mourning dove nests and robins are nesting on the porch next door so they always visit our garden. So much beauty to take in right now! Have a lovely week! xo

Deb said...

Thank you Lynda ♥
This is the first year the Doves haven't nested on top of our garden gate & I miss hearing their sweet coos from our bedroom window. They are in our backyard daily but not sure where they've made their nest.
Have a lovely week too xo