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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Monday, June 10, 2013

My 'Art Saves' story on Crescendoh today...

sing your song/ fly when you are ready
Inspiration: Self-portrait. 
 As a Mum, remembering that baby birds need to sing their own song & fly on their own wings... as much as we would love to keep them safe in the nest ♥
My guiding word for Twenty-thirteen is
balance ...
I've been working on the balancing act of privacy & sharing my thoughts and art - something I've gone back and forth with in the past.
It's not easy to remain anonymous AND be recognized :-)
Slowly ... I have been moving out of my comfort zone... taking baby steps along the way.
 Much like my painting - 'sing your song/fly when you are ready' ... it might be safer to stay in the nest but there is so much more just waiting to experience.
Today, the baby steps got a little bit bigger :-)
I am sharing my "Art Saves" story today @ Crescendoh.
A special Thank You to Jenny Doh for the opportunity ♥

Happy Monday Rain


Heather said...

I see you have had to work your way through difficult times. So glad you have found your way to work with your creativity in a new way, Heather x

Deb said...

Thank you Heather ♥