{Posted from} Home

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dressed In White ...

I was thrilled when new Apron * ology Editor Andrea Rangno contacted me about writing a story for my Ruffles & Rosettes apron & as usual, equally thrilled when I saw the finished product.  As I was answering Andrea's questions, I began telling the story of my childhood cat as it was because I wanted to make a blanket for her basket  that I began sewing. 

Even as a young child, I loved to sit with a needle and thread and create.  When I was 11, I decided that my beloved cat needed a blanket for her wicker basket, gathered up outgrown clothes I had, cut them into squares and hand stitched them together.  In some of the squares I embroidered her name, in another a little free hand drawn paw print, and a cat face with long threaded whiskers.
Andrea asked me what motivates me to create aprons & that's easy ... HOME.  My love of Home motivates me.  I don't want to have to take off my apron if the door bell rings, but rather wear an apron that, while a necessity in the kitchen can be pretty.
Blending function with fashion, pretty with practicality.
I feel nurturing your home and yourself go hand in hand.
 I try to re purpose as much as possible when creating anything, taking an inventory of what I already have stashed in my studio cupboard before buying anything new. 
Since sewing is not one of the handcrafts I am most proficient in, my first stop is the "reduced bin" at my local fabric shop.  I found both the 100% cotton and ruffled fabric in the sales bin AND there was an additional 50% off the last ticket price.  I love that! so I was able to make the entire apron for under $5.00.
I love the crisp white of the cotton and thought it would be lovely to blend it with flirty ruffles.
A chefs apron with a twist.
I used an apron I already had and found aesthetically pleasing in it's shape and style as a template, and a basket of rosettes I had made left over from another project, and the Ruffles & Rosettes apron came together quickly. Sentimentality always plays a big part in anything I create, and I used a lovely little white crocheted doilie ~ a gift from my friend Julie Marie and pinned it to the apron .
 And while I don't think of myself as anything but a novice on the sewing machine, it has a special spot in my studio so it's always available when a whim of inspiration comes over me :-)
Many Thanks to Apron*ology Editor Andrea Rangno for this wonderful article


Jeanne said...

Beautiful my lovely friend.
Lovely indeed.

Love Jeanne♥

Jeanne said...

Beautiful my lovely friend.

Love Jeanne

Meredith said...

A huge congrats to you!! Fantastic.

Monica said...

How amazing! Love everything of this post. :)
Congratulations dear Deb!

Julie Marie said...

Hi Deb, how exciting for you!!!... I love your pretty apron, and can't wait to find that magazine... does Barnes and Noble carry it?... and how fun you used the little vintage doily from me!... I too love aprons and always wear one when I cook... I think it keep my memories so close to my heart alive... my mama and grandmother and great~grandmother always in their aprons as they prepared a meal, washed dishes, etc... like you, my home is my favorite place to be... again, congratulations on being featured!... and I love the story of your first sewing a blankie for your kitty!... precious memories go into everything you do... xoxo... Julie Marie

Lori ann said...

oh my goodness! congratulations deb! how exciting, and what a sweet husband you have to find the magazine. i love aprons too, i was lucky to inherit my grandmothers! someday i'll have to try my hand at making one.

Starr White said...

Hi Deb. That apron is so very feminine and pretty, but still functional enough to work in - in short, perfect! I think it's terrific that you have taken a rather utilitarian piece of clothing and turned it into something so lovely. Congratulations on being published - again! I love those magazines.

Heather said...

your work is lovely! I'm coming across to join you, Heather x

Deb said...

Thank you so much Jeanne for your continued support & kind comments always ♥

Deb said...

Thank you Meredith!

Deb said...

Thank you Monica ♥

Deb said...

Thank you Julie Marie ~ the vintage doily you gave me was perfect for this apron ~ thank you for your gift of friendship ♥

Deb said...

Thank you Lori ~ how lucky are you to have your grandmothers apron - such a treasure.

Deb said...

Thank you Starr ♥

Deb said...

Thanks Heather ~ so happy to have you follow ♥

The Feathered Nest said...

Congratulations sweet Deb!!! Your apron is just gorgeous...and what a sweet story on how you started sewing ~ I wonder if you still have that little treasure your made for you kitty? Thank you so much for stopping by to see me and saying hello!!! Also, I absolutely LOVE your Sparrow Gather Joy Satchel, it is beautiful! hugs and love, Dawn

Deb said...

Thank you Dawn ♥ I'm surprised that I don't have my cat's blanket (I save EVERYTHING) but I do have her little tags which I treasure xo