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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thankful Living: Autumnal Blessing #2

 A potpourri of gathered treasures ♥
True wisdom
lies in gathering
the precious things
out of each day
as it goes by
I am a gatherer ~ I like to bring home little treasures from Nature.
  At this time of year, I am usually walking home with  a handful of beautiful leaves in red, gold, orange and yellow.  I'll place some under our dinner plates, some under votive candle holders, tuck one in each dinner napkin ring, and a few will be pressed in books.
A few days ago, Archer and I were walking amongst a park full of Oak trees and there were acorns everywhere ... An interesting fact about Oak trees is that they can start producing acorns when they are 20 years old, but sometimes they can take up to 50 years to produce!  Like people, some Oak trees are late bloomers :-D
At home, in my own garden, I'm snipping off the very last petals from the pansies, and gathering  seeds from the Cosmos &Larkspur.  There haven't been as many this year to save as we had lots of Yellow Finch enjoying them, but enough to fill a few seed packages.
~Happy Gathering~


Monica said...

It's such a blessing to be able to partake of Natures Abundance... and to be grateful for that! You are a beautiful soul, so glad I had the chance to meet you, thanks to our blogs! LOVE these posts of yours!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Just wonderful ! I love the colors and forms. Amazing !

Julie Marie said...

Sooo beautiful Deb!... I too am a gatherer... always collecting beautiful treasures from the trail... thanks so much for visiting today... I have missed you!... xoxo Julie Marie

Meredith said...

I am a gatherer too. I can't gather beautiful leaves here, but I gather pine cones, rocks and of course feathers. Love your photos today. Give Archer a sqeeze for me.

Deb said...

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments ♥