{Posted from} Home

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Friday, May 25, 2012

52 Friday...

Home is oneness,
home is my original nature.
It is right here,
simply in what is.
There is nowhere else
I have to go,
and nothing else
I have to become.
~Tony Parsons~
I wasn't able to get many photos of Mama Robin.  Out of the 4 eggs, two babies resulted.
Her nesting spot was really awkwardly built and even though we tried to keep that side of the garden off limits by avoiding opening the gate etc ... she was nervous.  I had hoped to get photos from my Studio window, but the Trumpet vine grew too quickly and  hung down covering her nest.
Yesterday, we noticed two Robins building a NEW nest in the pergola outside our kitchen window :-)
This is the usual spot chosen by the Robins each Spring and so much fun to sit at the kitchen table watching all the activity as they go about gathering nesting material and wiggling their bodies to flatten and shape their nest.  I like this spot as it's nice and safe and cool. The pergola is covered with Honeysuckle vine and the leaves are huge, draping  like little curtains. 
 Home Sweet Home ♥
~Have a wonderful weekend ~


Meredith said...

I miss robins. We had them in Michigan when I was growing up, in Florida I see them only on a rare occasion in the Winter. We have many big birds like herons and egrets but a beautiful lovely robin is such a wonderful sign of spring. Enjoy all the bird activity.

June said...

That will be a great spot for a nest Deb. I have had a little trouble here lately with my robins because for the past three weekends I have had the grandchildren here and the boys are trouble when it comes to bothering the birds. I have had two robin families move out just this past week. I will miss them so much. I hope they found a good new home and will come back here another year...maybe after the boys have grown : )
sending hugs...

Susa said...

I just love your photo of the little robin peeking out! Happy to hear that there's another nest...hope you see many new little ones flying about soon!

Kelly said...

i absolutely love that quote... copying it off to save. It is fun to watch the robins nest. Last year one mama made a nest in our big locust tree by the kitchen window. COuldn't see the robins from my upstairs studio, but you could out the kids bathroom window. So we climbed into the bathtub and watched her and her babies ha,ha!