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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hello September ...

ahh September, how I love the "ber" months!
I just realized that the last time I did a post here was in July!
August was absolutely jam packed with things to do. . . 
Here's a little August catch-up of some art stuff.

Art Walk 2024 was absolutely amazing.
We had fabulous weather; our tent was tucked under a beautiful tree which provided shade to us from the moment we arrived at 7:30 am until we began packing up at 4.  Tent set up went better and quicker than planned which was good. There were live musical performances throughout the day, we met so many lovely people who were interested in hearing about my art journey and shared their own.
Looking forward to next year!!
All through the month of August I had been varnishing, wiring, choosing frames for, creating labels, and documenting the pieces of art I was going to hang for my 

We hung 60 pieces of art at the end of August in preparation for my September Art Show.
It was very humbling to see my art hanging on the art gallery walls of St. James 
So very grateful for this wonderful opportunity.
So many thank you's . . . 
Thank you to Christine for spotting my art at Innovation Park and the invitation to exhibit at St. James.
Thank you to Frank for the lovely artist of the month webpage.
Thank you to my hubby for all his help and support and hanging the 60 pieces!
Thank you to my wonderful family - my love for you is woven into every painting.
And last but not least, thank you to everyone who reached out and left such lovely words of friendship and kindness.
All so very much appreciated. 

Vintage Sparrow Studio
Deb Dunn
September 2024
Art gallery of St. James
137 Melville Street
Dundas, Ontario
Art viewing times: Tuesdays ~ Fridays 10 am - 2 pm
Closing Reception
Sunday, September 22, 2024
12:30 - 2:30 

I'd love for you to stop by on the 22nd for coffee, a cold drink, sweet treats and conversation! 
Hope to see you there.
D xo