I'm always on the look out for anything garden inspired & many of the "chachkies" in the garden were found at garage sales for pennies. Since we use our garden so much during the Summer, it really is an extension of our home, and we've created little "rooms" throughout it and decorate it as such.
{Posted from} Home
The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~
hOMe is where the heART is …
hOMe is where the heART is …
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Texture Tuesdays #10...
In a picture
I want to say
something comforting
~Vincent Van Gogh~
Kim Klassen Texture: Stained Linen
One of my favourite pastimes is Garage Sales. In my town, they typically start in May and end around mid Sept and I am up and out the door early each Saturday morning with newspaper in hand, eager to see what the day's search may unfold.
Over the years, I've found lots of bargains (it really is true that one man's junk is another man's treasure), had lots of laughs (wondering why anyone would buy some items to begin with) :-)
and most importantly, made great memories with my daughter (and garage sale partner in crime)!!
I'm always on the look out for anything garden inspired & many of the "chachkies" in the garden were found at garage sales for pennies. Since we use our garden so much during the Summer, it really is an extension of our home, and we've created little "rooms" throughout it and decorate it as such.
I'm always on the look out for anything garden inspired & many of the "chachkies" in the garden were found at garage sales for pennies. Since we use our garden so much during the Summer, it really is an extension of our home, and we've created little "rooms" throughout it and decorate it as such.
Our pergola has an iron candelabra hanging from it, chairs have comfortable cushions, lanterns are filled with candles, decorative plaques and sconces are attached to the house and just like inside, we are surrounded by things that mean something special to us.
One of my favourite things to collect is vintage galvanized watering cans ♥ Depending on their condition, we use them for holding flowers, simply decoration, and yes, even for watering the garden by hand :-)
No matter what term is used to describe them, be it yard sale, street sale, moving sale, tag sale, car port sale etc ... I look forward to them every Spring/Summer.
This weeks free texture "Stained Linen" from Kim is one of my favourites so far ~ Thank you Kim for use of your generous textures ♥
Monday, May 30, 2011
The Garden in May ...
Welcome to
Sparrow's Garden ...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thankful {things I love} Thursday...
in the morning
can give a sense of quiet
in a crowded day ~
like writing a poem
or saying a prayer
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh~
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Country Calm ...
and was thrilled to find this little sweetie on a recent "day in the country" :-)
Just taking it nice and slow and enjoying the day!
As were the horses grazing in wide open fields ...
Just taking it nice and slow and enjoying the day!
Slow down
and enjoy life
It's not only the
you miss
by going too fast -
you also miss the
you are going
~Eddie Cantor~
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Texture Tuesdays #9...

Kim Klassen Texture : Yesteryear
Life is like sailing
You can use
any wind
to go
in any
~Robert Brault~
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thankful {things I love} Thursday...
This past weeks rain has brought about lots of changes ~ buds have turned into blooms, the grass desperately needs cutting & we have colour in our garden thanks to the Lilac.
Of course, it's not only the rain that has brought about change ...
My morning walk is different ~
Today ...
I was Thankful for the beauty of the Red Cardinal keeping a watchful eye over his mate who was eating nearby...
I was Thankful for spotting birds I hadn't seen on the walking path before...
I was Thankful this sweet Pine Siskin looked directly at the camera ...
I was Thankful for this little random bench to sit and reflect ...
would lose its meaning
if it were not balanced
by sadness
~Carl Jung~
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Thank You ...
I have no other answer make,
but, Thanks and Thanks
~William Shakespeare~
Where do I begin to say Thank You so very much for all the kind, and touching comments left here. I showed them to my family, and from all of us, we say Thank You!
A big Thank You to my friend Kit (a fellow Lab Lover) who wrote a beautiful tribute to Ernie ♥♥
I can say no more than because
He was He
and I was I
~Michel de Montaigne~
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Openings In Heaven...
that our time together would be so short.
But the memories we made
and the love we shared
will last forever ♥♥
Journey on Wonderful You!
Journey on Wonderful You!
but rather, openings in Heaven
where the love of our lost ones
pours through
and shines down upon us
to let us know they are happy
~Eskimo Proverb~
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thankful {things I love} Thursday...
Lean On Me
The temps have done a big dip, and today is cold and rainy.
In the past, that wouldn't have stopped Ernie and I from taking our long morning walk.
Now, we don't want him getting cold, so waiting for a bit, hoping the rain will stop, and we can drive to one of our favourite spots for a stroll.
While he sleeps, I've been looking through photos I took the other day.
Puddle Ducks shared the bridge with us and were so adorable waddling and quacking back and forth. I snapped lots of photos of them, but it was only today, when I cropped the photo that I realized this sweet exchange between the two of them.
"I'll lean on you
You lean on me
and Together
we'll be
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Walking & Talking ...

Luckily, we walk v...e...r...y slowly these days, as this couple really took their time waddling in front of us quacking away :-)
We build too many walls
and not enough bridges
~Isaac Newton~
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Texture Tuesdays #7 ...
I had to use it with two photos taken of Ernie in our garden.
Today is especially sweet as May 10th was the maximum time (2 weeks) our vet felt we had with our sweet boy.
He is, in fact, doing better than he was two weeks ago! Each day is an added bonus with him ♥
Thankfully, the weather is co-operating, and we are able to sit in the garden and enjoy these sweet days of Spring together.
Kim Klassen Texture: Believe
You Have To Believe
You have to believe in Happiness
or happiness never comes
I know that a bird chirps none the less
when all he finds is crumbs
You have to believe the buds will blow
believe in the grass in days of snow
That's the reason the bird can sing ~ on his darkest day
he believes in Spring
You have to believe in Happiness
It isn't an awkward thing
The Spring never makes the song, I guess,
as much as the song the Spring
Aye, many a heart could find content
if it saw the road it went
The joy ahead, when it had to grieve
for the joy is there
but you have to
~Douglas Malloch~
for your lovely comments and e-mails xo
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I walk with beauty ...
who are hoping, I'm sure, that I have brought a treat! ...
thinking the same thing :-) ...
the sun and rain have awakened them ...
We are never alone on our walks ...
The chipmunks were very happy to find generous amounts of corn scattered on rocks...
I smiled as they filled up their pouches...
BEAUTY before me
I walk with
BEAUTY behind me
I walk with
BEAUTY above me
I walk with
BEAUTY below me
I walk with
BEAUTY all around me
I walk with
~Navajo Night Chant~
Our daily walks have become more and more special. We've been walking at a very slow pace of late, and notice everything because of it.
Over the past few weeks, he has suffered two strokes and after a number of tests and x-rays we have been told by our wonderful, kind and compassionate vet that his time with us is limited.
So I will be taking a little break from the computer ~ enjoying this time with my Beautiful Boy ♥
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