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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Sunday, March 29, 2020

raindrop ramblings ...

It may be in my British  DNA
but I have always been a lover of rain ...
the sound of raindrops hitting the window panes
the smell of rain on the grass, the earth … 
watching the rain as it fills up the birdbaths in our garden and knowing
how much the birds will enjoy splashing about...
walking in the rain and feeling it touch my face ~ invigorating, refreshing,  bliss
jumping in puddles (still) 
our dog Ben could never walk passed a puddle … instead, he would lay down in them … 
every* single* time and to this day, large puddles in the road make me smile thinking of him
and how much joy something as simple as a puddle would bring him! 
Be strong … 
things will get better.
It may be stormy now,
but it never rains forever.
someone was watching me as I walked around the garden taking raindrop photos
just look at that gorgeous "dandelion cottony seed tail" 
and the sweetest little raindrops that landed on the sweetest little doggie nose.


Sandi said...

"It may be stormy now,
but it never rains forever."


Deb said...

hi Sandi ~ holding on to the positive like the raindrops to the willow. be well xo

Lisa at Greenbow said...

...and whiskers on squirrels...
I too enjoy a good spring rain. Always good to think fond memories in times like this. Isn't it reassuring when nature continues on. Violets are blooming, Spring beauties are blooming, Trilliums are sprouting. Spring migration is ramping up. Plovers and Pecs are moving through here. We can still absorb the beauty and wonder of nature in these dark times. Stay well and happy. Big hugs.

Deb said...

hello Lisa ~ I look to the birds every morning and thank/bless them for their song ~ they are such messengers of hope... living in the moment.
And yes … all these little signs of Spring sprouting.
Sending hugs to you as well xo