{Posted from} Home

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


I will
sit and rest
to my breath
my soul
and allow myself
to melt 
into the moment
this place of peace
As I was refilling the bird feeders in our garden, I could hear the happy chirps of Sparrows hidden deep within the branches of our cedars.
Such joy in the moment.
Once all the feeders were topped up, I headed up to my studio and created a mixed media collage on canvas of my morning.
Vintage book pages and music sheets lay the foundation with Sparrow who has the wisdom to take in the given moment and just be.
I've created a print from the original mixed media canvas.
A gentle reminder to sit and simply be. Sometimes, we need a gentle reminder.
Paying homage to the Sparrows & my "guiding word" for 2020  Be ... 
Blessed Be,
deb x

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Little red squirrel

We have someone new to our garden ...
and I am totally smitten!
At first she was running along the fence so quickly that my camera couldn't focus in time and I missed every opportunity to get a photo!
Then, I'd spot her again … I knew she was interested in the freshly filled feeders and dish of  cut fruit and nuts that I had placed under the feeder.
There were 5 or 6 black and grey squirrels already eating it and a swarm of black capped chickadees arrived which was amazing to see!
Then a Blue Jay and our Red Cardinal couple arrived.
 I decided that I was missing out on too much by trying to get a photo 
and put my camera down.
I knew she was very curious about everything!
Later in the afternoon, she was back and not only was she comfortable to eat under the feeder,
she walked on to the back deck as well once she realized there were walnuts waiting.
She looked up at me a few times... the lady sitting on the window seat with Nikon in hand clicking away as quickly as possible.  That would be me :-)
She looks much bigger in the photos
but she is really quite small with the sweetest eyes outlined in white.
And quite quirky and comical so she will fit in wonderfully in our garden!
We've been tossing around names (I've been thinking she's a girl but not sure) :-O
I'm partial to Dorothy (thinking of those special, magical red slippers)

Monday, January 13, 2020

Praise the day ...

Praise the day
The ancient ways
On sacred land is where I stand
Air* water*soil*sky
Am I

I live in a beautiful spot where I can be by water and woods and I gather so much inspiration and serenity from both.
So grateful for the blessings that come from the trees, stones, soil and water.  I am in my element with the elements.
There is so much beauty and magic to be found listening to the inner wisdom and teachings of the Earth.

I have so many ideas for new paintings in 2020.
Because I paint intuitively and directly on paper or canvas (no sketches ahead of time) I'm always interested to see where the painting takes me … 
Painting gives me a venue to express my deep love and gratitude to the Earth.
It is more than a creative outlet … each painting gives me the gift of peace, serenity, mindfulness. 
In gratitude, I paint
xo d 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy New Year ...

As the last few days of December neared, my thoughts went to choosing my "word" for the New Year.  Keeping really busy, I hadn't thought too much about it until after Christmas and Boxing Day had passed and I had some time to myself. Some years it comes to me early ... one of my favourite
"words" in past years was *flow* and that year, it turned out that it was exactly what I needed to do ... go with the flow. 
No resolutions for me this year. I am choosing however to live in the *now* - not pressuring
myself with musts or wants or shoulds ... and with that mindset, my "word" came to me.
I had been sitting quietly, candles lit, music playing in the background and Archer by my side, journaling. Looking down at the page I saw the words I'd written *believe* belief* beach* become*because* being * begin* {ironically, not behave :-D} 
 I had been  playing "Let it Be" on my ukulele for the past few days as well ... just waiting for me to *notice* I suppose.
So there it was ... my 2020 word ~ be

Happy New Year!
A new decade ...
12 brand new chapters to be written...
365 new chances … 
May each one be filled with love, peace, laughter & joy
deb xo