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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

sequence ...

After a few days of heavy rain
our lilac bush was water logged and her branches were literally touching the grass.
After a bit of pruning to take the stress from some of the branches
we have  a lovely tin filled with blooms for our deck ♥
bleeding heart are looking so pretty in our shade garden
archer ... our sweet garden "helper"
lily of the valley have spread wildly & beautifully
garden visitors and butterfly spottings
♥heart shaped wings♥
a little garden journaling/reading
Live * Life * Lantern
I created this linen hand painted garden lantern a few years ago.
During the summer months, we like to make our outdoor space as comfortable as inside,
and our gazebo is one spot in the garden that we thoroughly enjoy.
Sitting under the honeysuckle vine covered roof, it is here that strings of tiny white lights are wrapped overhead, clay pots are stuffed full of our favourite flowers, big comfy cushions are tossed on chairs, a quilt sits on our garden swing to throw over our legs in the evening and my ever - growing collection of garden tchotchkes is dispersed.
{more photos of my Live* Life* Lantern can be found in the Summer 2015 issue of Sew Somerset (pages 60-63) along with full instructions on how to create }
purple sand cherry
"Let your life
be the epic poem that it is.
Embrace each moment
on its own merit.
One at a time,
in the sequence
in which it happens"
~Veronique Vienne~


sage and spirit said...

You've cultivated a beautiful space.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

A lovely visit to your garden. The fabric lantern is beautiful.


Deb said...

thanks so much Julie ♥

Deb said...

thank you Andrea ~ I bring it back inside in the Fall where it hangs in my studio but I always think it looks best in the garden :-D ♥

Meredith said...

Lilacs are my favorite flower and we can't grow them here so I will imagine the beautiful fragrance and enjoy your bouquet.

Deb said...

hi Meredith, I wish I could give you some of ours ♥