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The ordinary arts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest ~ Sir Thomas Moore ~

hOMe is where the heART is …

Friday, February 28, 2025

Upcoming Art Exhibit ...

So very grateful to have my two submissions accepted into the upcoming Art in the Workplace
 Exhibit # 41
McMaster Innovation Park
Hamilton, Ontario
My paintings The Enchanted & When you feed the birds, you feed your soul
can be seen in the beautiful atrium March 3 - June 26, 2025

~The Enchanted~ 
As always .... the words/story penciled in, gently covered over with paints and paper

Forest bathing
barefoot walker
into the enchanted woods you go.
Amongst the wildflowers
is where you wander
at a pace that's nice and slow.
The earth feels cool
between your toes
mindful steps are taken.
There's magic and mystery
in this sacred space
and you are keenly awakened.
For in this spiritual land, you walk
moving with ease and grace
In a silent hush, not a word is spoken
with the sun upon your face.
~deb dunn~

~When you feed the birds, you feed your soul~

Whispers to the birds are spoken
so softly, not all can hear
but those who they are meant for
will listen and gather near.
She feeds the birds
each morning, at the very break of day
seeds for the birds, nourishing both souls,
she does this as she prays.
"Watch over those with feathers
who come here for their feed
may they find what they are looking for
in kindness, may I lead.
And once they are full
and take to the sky
Please keep them safe 
wherever they may fly"
~deb dunn~ 

Monday, February 17, 2025

A simple thing like a snowfall . . .

We are living in our own little Narnia . . . 
I was so happy to hear bird song as I made my way into the garden.
And then looking up and seeing our little Dove sitting in the tree just waiting for the feeders to be brushed off!

"I know a little more
how much a simple thing
like a snowfall
can mean 
to a person"
~Sylvia Plath~

our little winter wonderland
As I was standing under the canopy of trees, branches weighed down,
all it took was the landing of Cardinals to have me covered
in snow :-) 
Our little sparrow who sits happily upon the picket fence 
watching over sparrow garden . . . 

"I wonder if the snow 
loves the trees and the fields,
that it kisses them so gently?
And then it covers them up snug, you know,
with a little white quilt, and perhaps it says
'Go to sleep darlings till the summer comes again' "
~Lewis Carroll~

I think so :-) 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

National Flag Day . . .

 Celebrating 60 years of our beautiful flag!
National Flag Day ~ February 15th ~ commemorating the inauguration of our iconic flag
 with its red and white stripes and stunning maple leaf.
Flown with pride!

Home is where the maple leaf is! 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Snow much love . . .

Our groundhog's prediction of an early spring may have been a bit off . . . 
but for two snow lovers we made the most of it!
Layered clothes, snow pants, jacket, scarf, hat, gloves and warm boots and we spent a good part of the day outside.
I had to bring the camera outside and take some pics to show our friends in England whose latest email told us of woodland walks looking at snowdrops .... 18 - 20 " of the white fluffy kind was our version of "snow drops" ;-)
heart shaped sugar cookies
valentine flowers
love notes tucked into handsewn hearts 
bird watching window seat
jotting down birds in the garden for the Great Bird Count which started today
so far, we've seen doves, juncos, blue jays and cardinals
Our picket fence always makes a good measuring tape for snow falls
how snow makes me feel!
~happy Valentine's Day~ 
d xo 


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

JanuMerry . . .

I love the month of January for so many reasons ....
the beginning of a brand New Year, opening a new journal, hanging up the New Years calendar,
snowy days, bundled up walks, crackling fires in our family room, homemade soups simmering on the stove, cozy nights at home ... my list of Winter love goes on and on.
And then, add in an Anniversary xo, and birthdays ~ one being my own!
The night before my birthday, I looked through my flower press and chose some blooms.
I laid twine across each section of a muffin tin, placed a few petals on the twine and topped with water.
They sat out overnight under the Full Wolf Moon.
In the morning, when I brought them into the house and placed them on the kitchen
counter, it didn't take long for them to begin to lift to the top!

It was time to take them back outside where I strung them on the branches of our purple
cherry tree.
It made for the perfect birthday banner.
The cold temperatures were ideal for keeping the banner frozen for days to enjoy!
"All we ever need is right where we are,
if we can open the ordinary treasure
that is always before us"
~Mark Nepo~ 


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Happy New Year ....

Happy New Year
Happy JanuMerry

It's been a bitterly cold January ... -14 today.  Our Christmas decorations are staying up for a little longer ... we are never in a rush to put them away & twinkle lights are a staple in our home, so most of those will stay put.  We call this month "JanuMerry" 
There is nothing lovelier for me, then waking up early in the morning, pitch black outside, putting on the kettle and plugging in the twinkle lights which give off a lovely, comforting glow. The ideal light for morning devotion* journal*meditation. 

 I was looking through photos and found this oldie which is still one of my absolute favourites from our garden.  Anyone who knows us, knows how much we love birds and squirrels and have done everything to make our garden a safe haven for both. The squirrels provide endless amounts of amusement as we watch them from our kitchen window seat.  The nest was built on top of our pergola and home to the Robin's brood.  Sweet Squirrel found it to be the ideal hiding spot for a peanut in its shell! She painstakingly buried it deep in the nest and covered it with snow :-) 
"The sparrows are preparing for Winter,
each one dressed
in a plain brown coat
and singing a cheerful song"
~Charles Kuralt~ 

Happy New Year Blessings.
Thank you for stopping by.
d xo 


Monday, December 16, 2024

The gifts of December ....


A nest of spun gold
.... the words underneath the paint read ...
"She built her nest with Faith and Optimism.
Gathering twigs and weaving them with found golden thread"

When ever given the chance to have a close up look at a nest I love spotting unusual nesting materials found .... often there will be string or ribbon woven through the twigs xo

Throughout the year, I donate art to various organizations /causes.  I think it's important to "give back" in any way you can & even the smallest gestures have a huge impact!   A nest of spun gold is an original painted in acrylics on canvas board. It measures 8.5 " x 7" and is my last donation of the year to the
Layna Gallinaro Scholarship Award Silent Auction
Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario
32 auctions. com 

9 days until Christmas!!!
Have a wonderful week,
d xo